Miss-D Murals
Safeguarding, Confidentiality and Limits
Sessions will finish early under the following criteria:
Disclosure of a Safeguarding Issue
The client has made it impossible to continue – this includes inappropriate behaviour
The parent / carer revokes permission
Failure to pay for sessions
The client shows signs of illness
Sudden incapacity to myself or my family dependents
Wellbeing only: Disclosure of involvement with agencies or referral to treatments which could potentially overload the client
I deem the client has issues needing support beyond that which I can provide
Safeguarding: I have a full disclosure up to date DBS and attend regular refresher courses. I abide with safeguarding requirements and keep up to date contact details of appropriate services should the need arise. In order to protect both the client and myself within Safeguarding boundaries, all sessions are recorded. All data is held on a separate hard drive only, unconnected to any device, and stored in a locked container behind locked doors. They are NOT available to anyone unless:
A Safeguarding issue arises
I’m required to do so by a Court of Law
Confidentiality: ALL Sessions - I do not write notes during a session. I do not write up transcripts or reports afterwards. Any notes or observations written down afterwards are for reminders / ideas as to what to provide in further sessions. A client is never named, only codes are used. Place to BE & All Wellbeing Sessions - As above re notes. Plus, in order for the play-space to remain emotionally safe I will not disclose what has been done or said in a session unless:
A Safeguarding issue arises
I’m required to do so by a Court of Law
I believe the client is an imminent danger to others
This is the same whatever the age of the person.
All contact details for clients, (& emergency contacts) are safely stored as required by Data Protection Regulations. (Please also see Privacy Policy page). Information is only shared if:
It is required to protect a vulnerable child or young person
I am legally obliged to report any information relating to acts or potential acts of terrorism or money laundering
In the event of my death my executor is charged with destroying all related paperwork and data.
Any photos taken are only of the artwork and will never include the face of a client.
Limits: Art Sessions - Children must be of Reception Year age or above. Children must have the basic appropriate abilities. I don’t teach oil painting. (Smelly, bad for the environment, can take months to dry!)
All Sessions - I reserve the right not to accept a client. I reserve the right to refuse to continue with a client if they (or someone allied to them in the venue) fails to adhere to the conduct requirements.
Many. many apologies, but the current premises I use are not suitable for wheelchairs.
My Responsibilities: I will provide:
A consistent, safe, interior space which cannot be overlooked or overheard during the sessions
Assurance that sessions won’t be disturbed or interrupted
Resources for play and creative arts / Wellbeing Sessions
Additional resources as deemed necessary for individual clients
Proof of DBS and Policy Documents on request
Wellbeing sessions only - SDQ Forms and data as appropriate
Please note: the space is hoovered between every client and all resources are checked and cleaned weekly. Anything which has had contact with body fluid or been sneezed on is removed until it can be cleaned or replaced.
The compost toilet seat & environs are cleaned after every client use.
Anti-bacterial gel is available in the cabin at all times and every child is asked to use it after handwashing.
Client Responsibilities:
A responsible ADULT will be available for the duration of the session in case of emergency
Provide signed contact paperwork and emergency permissions as requested
Abide by the conduct requirements
Wellbeing sessions only - Provide SDQ forms as & when requested