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The Haircut

In this delightful and funny children's book, a young boy's hair has grown so big that it's beginning to cause problems for the family - but he doesn't want it cut.

A fun exploration about a child who likes to make his own decisions.  Will his joy for rugby help?


This is a perfect addition for nursery, classrooms, libraries and of course hairdressers!

Short story, paperback.  Designed for 2+ - but actually fun for all ages!!

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The Haircut - about the book

When my oldest Godson was in primary school, he began to question his identity regarding his and his parent's different skin colours. 
As a small part of helping with this I looked for a fun picture book which had a child like him as the main character - not just in the background. 
I couldn't find one, so I decided to create one!

One of the boys in this family is rightly proud of his afro, and this seemed a fun way to celebrate it - even when it's time for a trim!

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