
Wellbeing Sessions
The sessions being offered here are NOT therapy or counselling.
They are designed to enhance wellbeing though the processes detailed below.
As a fully qualified Play Therapist, Professional Artist and Qualified Primary Teacher, I provide an emotionally & physically safe space. If I consider a client has needs beyond the capacity of these sessions - I will let them, or their adult, know and suggest appropriate referrals as deemed necessary.

Free Play & Restorative Play
Play is a child’s natural medium of self-expression, and is essential for development. Adults usually choose to talk-out their issues, often using metaphor. Children do the same using the language of play.Â
Restorative play is a method of helping people of ALL AGES with emotional or other problems. It provides an opportunity to play-out feelings, scenarios and conundrums in a safe place.

Creative Arts
The sessions encourage freedom in using all kinds of creative media to enable self-exploration and expression. Emphasis is on the process rather than a finished artwork. All ages can find this a useful tool for working through issues and ideas.
Can include paint, clay, various drawing resources, junk modelling, spray foam, oobleck and collage.

Being listened to with complete focus and attention, in the knowledge that content won’t be judged or passed on* can be a powerful restorative experience.
I listen without offering advice or opinion. I might ask questions (which don't have to be answered) to help expand the process of thinking through an issue.
*Exceptions explained in Safeguarding, Confidentiality & Limits

Noise making & Movement
Sometimes emotions can't be expressed in words, but they can be explored and released through sound and movement.
Drums, loud & quiet noise makers (nothing that goes in the mouth!), fabrics & ribbons for flowing, soft objects for throwing & catching, old school CDs for jumping about or quiet moments of rest.

Storytelling is a wonderful way to explore events or emotions at a safe distance.  Puppets, toys, random objects, hats & fabrics are available for role play. The sand tray can be used to explore stories without having to talk. When appropriate I can provide imaginative journeys for the mind. Also picture books and opportunities to make your own books.

A Space to BE
You don't have any particular issues but just need some time out from the rough & tumble and constant demands of life - to stop, to breathe, to just BE.
During a Wellbeing Session
I will plan & provide specific activities / opportunities for exploration based on the individual needs of the client, but it will be their decision to participate or not.
Play & Creative Arts resources will be provided based on what might be of most benefit to the client, who can play, create, or not, however they choose so long as they, I, and the contents of the room remain safe.
I unconditionally accept each person as they are without making judgement.
I will reflect back to the client any feelings, attitudes or emotions being expressed, to help them gain insight into their own inner world.
I remain in the space throughout.
I will only stop an activity if I believe there’s potential harm to either the client, resources or myself, or if a Safeguarding issue is raised.
Please be aware - often an issue which a parent / teacher feels is the most important for a child is not always the one the child believes to be their biggest problem.
It’s usual for a child to work through what might be considered lesser issues before moving on to deeper ones.
Sessions remain 1-1; others are not allowed in the room for the duration of the session.

The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is a useful tool for indicating a level of need and ensuring these sessions will be appropriate. They can also help judge the effectiveness of the sessions, although mostly outcome is evident in the observed behaviours of the client.
Please note, many different assessment methods are used to determine specific needs and no single assessment tool is able to cover all eventualities or requirements.
The SDQ alone is not appropriate for diagnosis.
As already stated, I am NOT providing therapy. If I consider a client has needs beyond the capacity of these sessions I will let them, or their adult, know and suggest appropriate referrals as deemed necessary.
I reserve the right not to accept a client.
Many apologies, but the current premises I use are not suitable for wheelchairs.
Sessions will only begin on receipt of signed contract and emergency contact information